Chapter 301 – What Are We Eating Today?

Hebrew nervously gulped and watched as Lin Tian almost angrily threw the wood at his head, yet he didn’t want to make any excuses.

It’s over, it’s all over.

He never would have thought he would get found out here.

He specially bought copper bloodwood, spent a lot of money to hire a magic tool artisan to engrave the magic circles and then stuffed it into the stone doll to trick the newbies. It has always worked extremely well, but now it was exposed by Lin Xiao in such an unbelievable way.

What should he do?

Someone else was holding that piece of copper bloodwood, and the stone doll was underneath someone else’s feet, there were also so many people watching. There were witnesses and physical evidence, so there was no way for him to deny it. If this got out and the alliance sent people to investigate, then they would surely find out about him embezzling, at that time, losing his job would be the best case, in the worst case, he might even have to go to prison, then his life would be over!

“Hebrew, you bastard, why did you do this?”

“Speak, how many people did you trick! I’m going to report you to the alliance!”

There was noisy clamoring all around him, but Hebrew didn’t hear a single word. Sweat slowly slid down his forehead as everything before him became blurry.

Lin Tian held the wood while pointing at Hebrew and yelling nonstop, while Yao Zi pulled her brother’s arm with worry, trying to get him to calm down. As for the main culprit, the youth that performed circus tricks with fourth-level magic was calmly standing to the side and staying out of it. He played with the stone doll under his feel while chatting happily with his maid. Who knows what they were talking about as his maid blushed and repeatedly called him a pervert.

So, was it all just going to end like this?

Admit his mistakes, beg for forgiveness, then wait for the alliance’s trial and punishment and spend the rest of his life in prison?

No, no way!

Since he’s already come this far, he might as well go all the way!

How could he let a couple of brats send him to prison?

Hebrew revealed a sinister look as he made a decision.

“Shut up!”


Hebrew who was in a daze suddenly shouted and gave Lin Tian a jump.

While he was still in shock, Hebrew walked over and grabbed on to that piece of wood and tried to snatch it over!

“Damn brat, let go!” He sternly yelled.

“W-what are you doing? Are you trying to destroy the evidence!? No!”

Lin Tian’s eyes widened as he watched Hebrew try to snatch the evidence, so he firmly held on and would not let go!

“You stinking brat, you’re really getting on my nerves!”

Who knew where Lin Tian got his strength, but he desperately clawed onto the wood, he didn’t care that his fingernails snapped off into the wood and that blood seeped out. It was like that piece of wood was his raison d’être, he wouldn’t let go even if he died!

Don’t see Lin Tian as just a frail magician, when he gets vicious, even Hebrew, a sixth-level warrior, wouldn’t be able to take care of him instantly.

“You bastard, bullying me is fine, but you even bullied my sister… Hebrew, I’m going to make you pay!”


When he heard what Lin Tian said, Hebrew remembered that he accidentally pushed Yao Zi onto the ground and made her scrape her knees.

So is he fighting as if his life depended on it just for that? Is there something wrong with him!

Wasn’t it just a superficial injury, does he have to get that worked up?

What a crazy bastard!

There’s no need to show mercy when dealing with crazy people!

“Don’t get carried away, scram!”

Finally, Hebrew let go of his apprehensions as he started circulating his aura and got serious!

Even if he was a middle-aged man, muscles strengthened with aura was formidable, he gripped the wood and yanked it backward pulling Lin Tian towards him, then he raised his leg and kicked Lin Tian’s stomach and sent him flying!

Lin Tian couldn’t resist at all as he flew backwards, because a lot of strength was used, he flew for a second before landing harshly on the ground.


Lin Tian didn’t even bother crying out about the pain as he struggled to climb up from the floor, but his knees ended up going soft as his old injury flared up and he fell over again.

His injures from the Academy Tournament hadn’t fully healed yet, so his knees weren’t able to withstand it, so it would take some effort before he would be able to stand up.


Yao Zi wanted to go over to help her brother, but she noticed Hebrew squeezing the wood as both his arms were covered in a thick battle aura. The nerves on his face looked like they were about to burst as he tried to destroy the evidence!


How could she let him destroy the evidence that her brother desperately tried to protect?

Yao Zi ignored the danger and quickly ran over to hold onto the wood and tried to compete with Hebrew for it.

But unfortunately, she was just too weak.

Lin Tian was at least a man, but Yao ZI was a delicate little girl, even if she threw herself at Hebrew, there wouldn’t be much weight behind it, not to mention fighting over the piece of wood.

Hebrew coldly snorted and she fell down onto the floor with just a slight push from him. But she stood up and tried to fight for the wood.

“Don’t get ahead of yourself!”

Why did these people have to go against him?

Why couldn’t they just obediently hand over their money?

Hebrew shook from anger because of the siblings and couldn’t endure anymore.


He already lost his rationality as he threw the piece of wood he was holding towards Yao Zi in a fit of rage.

How strong was a throw from a sixth-level warrior that used aura?

Lin Tian didn’t know, but he knew that if that piece of wood struck his sister, then not just the wood, but her head would also break!

Yao Zi couldn’t even evade it in time, she was collapsed on the floor and watched the piece of wood in despair as it approached her. What magic, what wizard’s bloodline, they were all useless because she was scared out of her wit’s, without courage she was but a cowardly and incompetent little girl.


When Yao Zi was sure that she was going to die, she saw a figure appear before her.

There was no magic, just Lin Tian’s body!

Lin Tian endured the pain in his knees and humped, using his body to help Yao Zi block that fatal blow!

The thick piece of wood landed straight onto Lin Tian’s chest, making a chilling thumping sound. In the next instant, he could feel a tickle in his throat as he spat out a mouthful of blood.

The scarlet red blood drew a beautiful flower in the air and scattered over the ground.

Lin Tian successfully used his body to help Yao Zi block the throw and the wood didn’t break, falling to the side. All’s well that ends well, but…

“Brother? Brother!”

With Lin Tian’s small body, he was already lucky that he wasn’t crushed to meat paste. It was fortunate that he was still alive and groaning on the floor.

However, although he was alive, it was extremely painful. His body that just recovered was injured again. Lin Tian broke several ribs, luckily there were no internal injuries, but he wouldn’t be able to move for a while. He could only lie down while coughing up blood and holding his sister’s hand.

When Hebrew realized that Lin Tian blocked his attack, he charge towards Yao Zi again, and made up his mind about killing these two annoying bastards!

Yao Zi couldn’t stop crying, what did she do to deserve this?

People talk about her wizard’s bloodline like it’s an amazing power, but she can never use it when she needed it… so what use was it? It would be much better to just go back and farm!

Even if she wanted to use her power, she couldn’t do it.

She was just a frail girl, her desire for power came from fear, not courage. And fear had no power.

Hebrew was completely enraged as he threw a fatal punch towards Yao Zi, completely disregarding the consequences. This time there were no more foolish brothers to die for her, Yao Zi was powerless to fight back and couldn’t only wait to die.

“Explosive Punch!”

His fist burned with an intense red flame, even redder than blood, as Hebrew circulate his battle aura and wanted to take Yao Zi’s life!

At almost the same time, she heard a faint voice.

“Ice comet!”

A huge ice comet suddenly appeared out of thin air in front of her blocking Hebrew’s punch. That terrifying ice comet, several times large than a person, aimed right towards Hebrew and exploded with a huge bang and covered the sky in ice shards!

“Lin Xiao?”

Realizing she was saved, Yao Zi nervously gulped and saw that Lin Xiao saved her at the last second.

But… what was that magic? Was it an ice comet?

If it was, wasn’t it too big? It was bigger than both Yao Zi and Lin Tian’s ice comet, she even thought that she saw incorrectly.

The huge ice ball completely enveloped Hebrew as the temperature of the surrounding air abruptly plummeted. Even Lin Tian who was half-dead shivered, as the blood he spat out froze into ice flowers.

But a fifth-level magic was from enough!


A angry roar came from within the mist of ice!

Lin Xiao’s sneak attack completely enraged Hebrew, he wouldn’t hold anything back anymore. His fiery red battle aura exploded out of his body.

He glared at the indifferent black-haired youth in front of him.

Yet that youth regrettably shook his head completely disinterested.

“Sigh, how annoying, if I wasn’t afraid that someone would actually die, then I really didn’t want to get involved.”

“Just hurry up, I’m hungry.” The maid next to him also interrupted out of place.

“Oh, me too.” The youth calmly replied, “Elena, let’s eat out today. I’ll treat you to something good to celebrate, anything you want.”


“Really, just take it as me repaying you for your concern.”

“Peh, pervert.” The maid was cursing at him, but she secretly smiled as she lowered her head thinking about what to eat later.

“You two… hurry up and… run… puh!”

When Lin Tian heard them talking to each other without a care in the world, he got impatient and then spat out another mouthful of blood and passed out in anger.

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