Chapter 6 – What Should I Do If The Queen Is On For So Long?

Margaret had a pleased expression on her face when she saw my flustered expression.

She linked arms with me and lightly tugged me:

“I won’t tease you anymore. Let’s go home.”


I helplessly clutched my forehead, then I began to walk forward with my arms linked with Margaret.

Approximately half an hour later.

Margaret and I arrived in front of a gorgeous white house.

It’s Margaret’s home. At the same time, it’s the residence of Prince of Wales, the most influential of the principality.

Strictly speaking, the entire county of Glamorgan belongs to our family. The capital of the principality of Wales is Cardiff City, which is twenty miles east of here. In theory, that should be the prince’s place of residence. (TL: The author takes most of the names here from real places, but this is not UK lol.)

But out of concerns for safety… the Prince would rather live on our territory than live in the tightly guarded Cardiff Castle.

After all, wherever my old bastard of a father stays, it could be considered the safest place in all of Great Britain.

Although I don’t want to admit it… my bastard of a father is pretty amazing. Sometimes, even the Pope has to show him respect.

That’s why no one dared to make move on the Prince when he was under protection in the county of Glamorgan.

You may be wondering why the Prince of Wales is afraid of going to his own encampment?

Of course, there’s a reason.

In addition to the title of the Prince of Wales, he had an even more prominent title —— the first heir to the Kingdom of Britain.

The so-called Prince of Wales is nothing more than the title normally given to the Crown Prince.

As the eldest son of Queen Elizabeth III, the prince was determined to be the crown prince at birth and became the legal heir of the British throne.

Normally, there would be nothing wrong with this.

But as time went on, Queen Elizabeth has been on the throne for sixty years!

At the time, although the Queen was over eighty years old and had a full head of white hair, she did not lose her demeanor to govern a country.

The health and longevity of the monarch should have been considered a good thing for the country.

But the long life of Queen Elizabeth put Margaret’s father into an awkward position.

One year before Margaret was born, Queen Elizabeth was eighty-three years old. In the long years before, most of the queen’s children had passed away before her. The last remaining prince was reduced to a “Crown Prince of sixty years”.

Even worse, His Highness the Prince was sixty years old at the time, yet he didn’t have a single heir.

Seeing as how the monarch and heir apparent were both white-haired seniors, some people with ulterior motives began getting restless.

For example, the Queen’s cousin —— the Duke of York. At the time, he was exactly forty years old. He was the youngest of the ones from the Queen’s generation and the last royal family member.

As his cousin’s time drew near, the ambitious Duke of York rushed to the capital with five thousand of his personal men and roped in numerous nobles and forced the Queen to abdicate, “How can there be a 60-year-old crown prince? I request the Queen to immediately pass the throne to the crown prince, and make the young and promising Duke the next heir.”

Under the pressure from the nobles, the Queen wavered. She already drafted her abdication and was prepared to pass the throne and make the Duke the crown prince.

But at this critical moment, an unexpected event occurred.

The fifth wife of the Prince of Wales was miraculously pregnant! She gave birth to a healthy baby girl on the Prince’s sixtieth birthday! And that baby girl was Margaret.

The British royal family welcomed the new heir. The ecstatic Queen immediately declared her granddaughter as the second in the line of succession to the British throne. That means the Duke of York, who was originally second, became third in line.

Seeing as the throne was right in front of his fingertips, the unwilling Duke of York and the members of his faction made a vicious plan —— they decided to poison the newborn princess and completely clear the barrier between themselves and the throne.

Later, the royal maid, who was bribed by the Duke of York, poisoned the newborn princess’ milk, but accidentally poisoned the princess who fed the newborn princess. (TL: This part is confusing because since Prince of Wales is only a prince, then his wives would be considered princesses, the same as his daughter. The author didn’t state if the poisoned princess was in fact Margaret’s mother, but I assume it was…)

Afterwards, the assassination attempt on the newborn princess caused an uproar across the Kingdom.

All the signs pointed to the Duke of York and the members of his faction.

But considering the Duke’s identity as Britain’s second fiercest general, and his influence within the London nobility circle… Elizabeth didn’t want to drag the country into a civil war and just symbolically executed the servants that positioned the princess and didn’t thoroughly investigate it.

At this current moment, with regards to the young princess, the bustling capital was like the ferocious mouth of a beast! There were always vipers from the Duke’s faction hiding within the shadows of the gorgeous palace…

Therefore, in order to ensure the safety of her granddaughter. The Queen used the excuse of “giving the crown prince a new position” to allow the prince to drag his family to Wales to avoid the capital’s political frenzy. Thus protecting Margaret from the Duke of York.

However, the Duke of York wasn’t someone who would give up so easily. In fact, he sent multiple people to intercept the Prince of Wales to assassinate him and his daughter.

The last assassination attempt… if the prince didn’t coincidentally bump into my bastard father.

Then the young woman beside me would not be here right now.

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